Wendy Judge

Wendy Judge is a visual artist based in Dublin. Judge’s practice is committed to second-hand travel and the authentic experience from the here and now to the far distant future. Her work revolves around the landscape in all its forms and the anomalous within the landscape.

At the start of 2020 she was awarded a supported travel residency through The Darkroom to explore the landscapes around her. It was a simple idea of capturing landforms across changing counties and bringing them back to the studio to tie them into my sculptural practice. This project was negotiated through the rolling lockdowns as county borders closed around her. In making this epic journey Judge took heed from Dr. William Dyer of Miskatonic University and was to discern one can never have too many notebooks of sketching paper or film to capture what might unfold. (At The Mountains of Madness by HP Lovecraft).

wendyjudgeart.squarespace.com | IG: @judge.wendy